Isaiah 22

Isaiah 22:1-25

SUMMARYDifferent responses

OVERVIEWIsaiah laments over Jerusalem’s condition while the city leaders ignore God and choose to dance, play, and feast in their last days.

BIG IDEADon’t ignore your pain or sin by medicating it with pleasure.

KEY VERSEIsaiah 22:12 (Isaiah to people of Jerusalem)
At that time the Lord, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, called you to weep and mourn. He told you to shave your heads in sorrow for your sins and to wear clothes of burlap to show your remorse.

There will be a day where there is no more pain or sorrow or sickness or chaos or stress or anything that distracts or disturbs you. That day is coming, but it is not yet here. But I am here amid the noise and discomfort. So, turn to me when you are in trouble. I know your instinct is to solve problems quickly, which is good because I have given you gifts and abilities. But do so in conjunction with me. Seek me, and ask me for direction. You may have experience, but I know everything. So, stop for a moment and call on me.

Never give up, however. Some see a wall in front of them and quit trying. They make a couple of half-hearted efforts and then focus on their selfish desires and forget that I always provide a way out of temptation or around life’s obstacles. Seek me and learn all I have to teach you at the moment.

When you feel overwhelmed, don’t try to work faster and harder. Instead, stop and take time to pray. Ask God for wisdom, direction, and help, and then take time to be still and listen. Shift your focus from trusting yourself to trusting God.