Hosea 2

Hosea 2. faithful

Hosea 2:1-23


OVERVIEWDespite Gomer’s unfaithfulness, Hosea stays faithful to her. Much suffering and discipline take place, but in the end, Gomer commits to his wife.

BIG IDEAGod pursues us even when we run from him.

KEY VERSEHosea 2:19 (God to Israel)
I will make you my wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion.

It breaks my heart when you cast me aside or ignore me or even renounce me and my ways. But it does not prevent me from loving you. When you become my child, I make a commitment to you that I will not break. I will pursue you, and I will even block your path or wall you in to protect you from yourself. I know you better than you do.

But when you do return to me, I will receive you. I will clean the filth from your mind, body, and soul. I will renew your strength and purify you. When I look at you, I will not see your scars or tears or shame. I will remove those and make you a new creation. I will boldly declare my love for you and hold you up as a child I dearly love. When you are faithless, I will be faithful. Always and forever.

Make it a priority today to frequently thank God for his generous love and extreme grace. Think of examples of God’s love towards you and thank him for it, and share one or more stories with others.