SUMMARY: Life lesson
OVERVIEW: Hosea uses the life of Jacob as an example for Israel. Just as Jacob came to his senses, recognizing his need for God, Israel needed to do the same.
BIG IDEA: Live aimlessly on your own or live with purpose by following God.
KEY VERSE: Hosea 12:6 (Hosea to Israel)
So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on him.
Many follow me when it’s convenient—many who claim to know me but live according to their plan. I will give you time to come to your senses but don’t wait long. Don’t take my kindness and compassion for granted. I am the Lord, and I am holy, so I will bring judgment on those who are far from me. Return to me today. Live out your faith and show the world what it means to know and follow me.
Don’t boast of your accomplishments or give yourself more credit than you are due. When you do that, you push me aside and bang your chest, declaring yourself a self-made person. Humble yourself. Acknowledge your need, admit your weaknesses, and call on me. Allow me to guide you. I want to do more for you and through you than you can imagine. Seek me and learn all that I have for you.
It’s never too late to turn back to God. Others have done it, and you can, too. Share this message of hope with anyone who needs it. Help them know God is waiting for them to turn or return to him.