Hosea 10

Hosea 10. Wrong seed

Hosea 10:1-15

SUMMARYWrong seed

OVERVIEWIsrael was bearing fruit but the wrong kind. They needed to plow the ground and sow righteousness.

BIG IDEASow seeds of righteousness.

KEY VERSEHosea 10:13 (Hosea to Israel)
But you have cultivated wickedness and harvested a thriving crop of sins. You have eaten the fruit of lies— trusting in your military might, believing that great armies could make your nation safe.

When I give you new life, I give you a new heart, and I begin to conform you into the image of Christ. Don’t run from that. You are being molded and shaped each day. It’s just a question of whether the world is forming you or I am. You can speed the process along by renewing your mind moment-by-moment. If this is new to you, I will teach you. Your involvement right now is part of the process. Continue to seek me and choose to think about me, my ways, and my word.

When you seek me and obey me, you are planting righteousness. You will reap the fruit of unfailing love. But when you choose to disobey me or ignore my leading, you are growing wickedness. You will reap evil, and your fruit will be deception. Let me break up your ground and plant seeds of love, hope, peace, and joy. You will bear eternal fruit that will impact you and those around you.

Is there any sin you’ve been holding onto that you need to confess? Any apologies you need to make? Commit today to surrender to God and begin to plant seeds of hope, love, and righteousness.