OVERVIEW: Jesus is the better sacrifice. He offered his life once—as opposed to the multiple daily offerings that were previously required, and Jesus’ death achieved the desired result that lasts forever.
BIG IDEA: Jesus is all we need today and everyday.
KEY VERSE: Hebrews 9:27-28 (everyone faces judgment)
And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, so also Christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him.
Don’t go back. When you feel anxious or stressed or guilty, don’t turn to the people or things that previously brought you comfort and temporary satisfaction. Don’t rekindle memories you believe were helpful but, in reality, brought pain and judgment. Don’t look for the latest and greatest solution the world has to offer. The world is good at making promises but falls short in keeping them. Instead, look to Jesus.
Jesus left heaven to provide for you. You now have everything you will ever need in one person who will never leave you or forget you. And Jesus will keep that promise. When you are anxious or stressed, or feel guilty, turn to Jesus. And remember that once you confess your sin, I remove it forever. I don’t hang your past over your head to haunt or taunt you. I cleanse from your sin. You may still feel its sting or deal with consequences, but I have forgiven you. Jesus died once—that’s all that was needed. His death provided healing from your past, hope for today, and a promise for your future. Don’t wrestle with guilt. If you have confessed your sin, it is gone. That’s the power of Christ’s better sacrifice.
Practice forgiveness. Every time you see a cross—on a church, in a room, or around someone’s neck—thank God for forgiving your sin. Ask God to help you forgive others, and ask if there’s anyone you need to forgive. If God brings someone to mind, choose to forgive that person and—if appropriate—reach out and offer to get together.