SUMMARY: Pursue maturity
OVERVIEW: Believers must not be content with merely being in a relationship with God. They are to seek God and pursue a deeper relationship with him, knowing he will faithfully guide them and provide for them.
BIG IDEA: God is faithful. Make time with God a priority throughout the day.
KEY VERSE: Hebrews 6:19-20 (God is forever trustworthy)
This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek.
It is good to be loved. I want you to feel comfortable and secure in our relationship. I want you to have confidence that comes from deep within. But I also want you to act on that confidence. I don’t want your contentment to cause you to sit back and watch. I want you to know there’s nothing you can do for my kingdom that will fail. You may not accomplish what you set out to do but step out in faith and try. Take frequent and more significant steps of faith, knowing that I will always catch you.
You are secure in me. I promised Abraham I would provide for him, and I say the same to you. When you surrender to me and follow me, you have Jesus forever advocating on your behalf. Your soul is firmly anchored in my love. It is firm and secure. Don’t watch the world go by. Get up and be a part of it. Walk against the current. Smile when you face a challenge. People may slow you down or redirect you. But they can’t stop you.
Set aside an hour or more in the next seven days and identify 1-3 goals that God has placed on your heart, but you have not yet acted upon. Identify WHY the goals are important and what you will do in the following seven and thirty days towards completing them. Review your plan with a friend.
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