Hebrews 13

Hebrews 13. keep on

Hebrews 13:1-25


OVERVIEWConcluding words to the Jewish believers to love one another, find contentment in God, and to respect and obey their leaders.

BIG IDEAJesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

KEY VERSEHebrews 13:5 (true contentment)
Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”

There are plenty of strange teachings out there. Don’t be deceived or distracted by them. Focus on what matters: remembering that Jesus never changes—he is the same today and always—and that I will never fail you or abandon you. Walk with confidence, knowing I will help you, guide you, and strengthen you. Those should be your core truths. Renew your mind regularly with those words and with that kind of fuel; love and serve others with joy and humility.

I also want you to learn from your leaders. Be teachable, submit to them, and follow their example. Come alongside them and encourage them. Breathe life and love into their souls. Leadership can be lonely. They are often misunderstood and unfairly criticized. Be a faithful prayer warrior and supporter. Serve them as they serve you. In all things, find peace and hope in me. Don’t work so hard to impress and please me. I already love you, and that won’t ever change. Love others because your heart is full. Love others because I have loved you.

Text or email one or more of your pastors and thank them for their ministry. Follow up with a handwritten note, identifying a specific way they have encouraged you. Commit to praying for them all week long.