Hebrews 12

Hebrews 12. Every effort

Hebrews 12:1-29

SUMMARYEvery effort

OVERVIEWThe chapter opens with the purpose and blessing of God’s discipline and continues with the author urging believers to live in peace and pursue holiness. It concludes with a warning, reminding the readers that just as Israel didn’t escape God’s discipline when they refused to listen to Moses, they would not avoid punishment if they don’t listen to Jesus.

BIG IDEARun with perseverance, endure hardship, and fix your eyes on Jesus.

KEY VERSEHebrews 12:14 (a challenge to listen to God)
Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.

Nothing has changed. Even when you struggle or ache or wonder where I am in your life, I am with you. I promised I would never leave you or forsake you, and that is true for eternity. I will give you the strength you need to endure all that is before you. You won’t face anything that I have not allowed. I know exactly what you need and how much you can withstand, and I am using it all to grow and develop your faith and character. You will be stronger and better equipped to make an impact in the world.

That’s why you can run with endurance. That’s why you can and should persevere. Keep your eyes glued on Jesus, following the example he set for you. And throughout it, do all you can to live in peace with everyone. Commit yourself to healthy living. You don’t have to do these things in your strength. I will provide what you need. But put your energy and effort towards things that matter.

The next time you are suffering or facing a trial, review verses 7-13. Identify one or two things about the character of God and his activity in your life during this time. Thank God for his presence and ask him to help you remember he is with you. Consider memorizing or writing out the words for one of the verses to review throughout the day.