Habakkuk 2

Habakkuk. rest

Habakkuk 2:1-20


OVERVIEWGod reminds Habakkuk that he is aware of all things and has everything under control. Even though Babylon looks invincible, God would humble the nation.

BIG IDEAGod is in control.

KEY VERSEHabakkuk 2:20 (Habakkuk’s declaration)
But the Lord is in his holy Temple. Let all the earth be silent before him.

You can look for answers and hunt and search to find meaning, or you can trust me. Call out to me and ask all the questions you want. But that doesn’t mean you will always hear what you want to hear. Sometimes you need to be still and wait and trust that I will faithfully respond, just as I have before. Learn to live with confidence in who I am. Live with high expectations because you know that I am trustworthy.

I want you to rest. Stop running about looking for answers. Instead, take a deep breath and exhale with peace. Exhale with confidence in me. Many put their trust in things or ideas, but what value are they when created by humanity? Why not look beyond what you can see and feel? Look to me. And rest. I am in my holy Temple. Let all the earth be still, and silent, and restful.

Call out to God and ask him questions. But also take time to praise him for knowing all and being in control, even if it doesn’t look or feel like it.