SUMMARY: God promises
OVERVIEW: God covenants with humanity that he will never again destroy the earth by a flood. The rainbow is a promise of God’s presence and protection.
BIG IDEA: God is a promise keeper.
KEY VERSE: Genesis 9:17 (God’s promise)
Then God said to Noah, “Yes, this rainbow is the sign of the covenant I am confirming with all the creatures on earth.”
You will never be forgotten. I made you and love you and have committed myself to you. Don’t let others’ words or the signs and symbols of the day confuse or distract you. Ignore the negative sound bites. Disregard the media’s caricatures. Instead know what is true: I love you and will guide you. Always.
The rainbow is my sign to you. When you see it, enjoy its beauty. But more than that, pause and and let it encourage and remind you that I am your heavenly father and I will never let you go. I want a relationship with you. I don’t want to be on your ‘To Do’ list. If the thought of walking with me overwhelms you, you can rest. Don’t make it more difficult than necessary. It’s all about obedience. I’ll even give you strength to follow me. Step out in faith and live today with joy and purpose.
Since rainbows don’t happen every day, identify another sign or symbol to remind you this week that God is with you and loves you. A stop sign or stoplight? Perhaps a building you go past each day? Pick something to remind you to pause and remember God’s love.