Genesis 45

Genesis 45

Genesis 45:1-28


OVERVIEWJoseph reveals his identity to his brothers and chooses to bless them instead of punishing them.

BIG IDEAThere is power in forgiveness.

KEY VERSE: Genesis 45:7 (Joseph to his brothers)
But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance.

Yes, I can turn a curse into a blessing. There may be someone in your life who hurt you. I want you to bless them. You may feel like harming them, and others may expect you to do so, but let’s surprise everyone. Let’s show them what it means to live as a life-giving person. Truthfully, no one deserves grace, yet I give it freely. I love to show mercy, and you will, too. It just takes some practice. Let’s exercise the mercy muscle this week.

I am God, so nothing happens outside of my will. I don’t want you to get hurt, but when it happens, I can use it to not only grow you but equip you to help others. I can redeem each person and every situation. Trust me. And then continue trusting me. Look for the ways I am working. I am always at work, and I want to use you to share my love with others.

Be a blessing. Who is someone you can help or encourage this week that might surprise others?