Genesis 43

Gen 43. Dream fulfilled

Genesis 43:1-34

SUMMARY: Dream fulfilled

OVERVIEWBenjamin arrives with his brothers in Egypt, and they bow before Joseph, fulfilling Joseph’s dream as a teenager. Joseph showed mercy and blessed his brothers.

BIG IDEALove overcomes fear.

KEY VERSE: Genesis 43:26 (a fulfillment of Joseph’s dream years ago)
When Joseph came home, they gave him the gifts they had brought him, then bowed low to the ground before him.

Revenge is a dark hole. It has an insatiable appetite that won’t be satisfied until it controls and consumes you. Turn your back on revenge and follow me. Let me bring discipline and judgment. Allow me to intercede so that you do not sin and to preserve your heart and mind.

Others will hurt you, and you will instinctively want revenge. I understand that, and I will provide justice and judgment, but leave that in my hands. I want to mold and shape you to display my power in difficult situations. Think of the impact on relationships and in your church and community when you respond with love. Many won’t understand that kind of response, and that’s why it’s so important. I want people to know they have an option. I want them to know that I am with them and that I hurt when they hurt. I want people inside and outside the church to see my power and love demonstrated to you and through you.

Think of someone who is currently mistreating you or has done so in the past. Take time to pray for your strength and then pray a prayer of blessing on that person. If they are still in your life, look for an opportunity to show care and concern.