SUMMARY: Vision cast
OVERVIEW: God sends Jacob to a new land (Bethel), gives him a new name (Israel), and offers a greater understanding of his future.
BIG IDEA: God provides new hope, new beginnings, and a new vision.
KEY VERSE: Genesis 35:10 (God renames Jacob)
“Your name is Jacob, but you will not be called Jacob any longer. From now on your name will be Israel.” So God renamed him Israel.
I give life, I offer hope, and I provide vision. Regardless of what has happened in your life, I can remake you. You no longer have to be identified with your past. You can have a new identity, formed by me, and shaped to bring revival in your life and those around you. I can erase the penalty of your past, and I can give you a future full of hope and promise. Look to me in all circumstances. Seek me, and I will guide you. You are my child whom I love.
Stop thinking you have no value in my kingdom. You do, and I am the one who determines your future. You get to decide if you want to receive my offer. But I will present you with one. Be open to all I want to do in you and through you. Your past does not define you. It will help others know my love is real and available to them.
Take time today (and this week) to listen to God. Set aside a few minutes to be still and be open for God to speak to you and lead you. You may not hear an audible voice but consider how he is prompting you. Reflect on the Bible verses you are reading. Consider the guidance you receive from friends. Is there a next step to take?
BONUS Video Clip