SUMMARY: Wives compete
OVERVIEW: Rachel and Leah jealously compete to provide children for Jacob through creative and complicated ways. Meanwhile, while Jacob’s family grows, he makes a deal with Laban, and God increases his wealth, too.
BIG IDEA: Jealousy disrupts and destroys families.
KEY VERSE: Genesis 30:1a (Rachel’s pain leads to unwise actions)
When Rachel saw that she wasn’t having any children for Jacob, she became jealous of her sister. She pleaded with Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!”
You will face enough challenges and obstacles in life, so don’t use time and energy to battle one another. Seek peace in your home and amongst your friends. Listen well and find ways to honor one another. Call on me. Invite me into the situation. I want to lead in your life and show you my power. Some of my greatest miracles include restoring broken relationships. But you’ll have to trust me and submit to my plan.
Your initiative is vital. Humble yourself before me and before anyone with whom you’re struggling. They may have hurt you, but can you identify any role—even minuscule—that you played? Confess that as sin and seek to make amends. You cannot control how the other person responds, but you don’t have to. I want you to have a healthy heart and to do the right thing. Let me take care of the rest. Keep your heart soft and follow me.
Is there a disagreement of any size amongst your family or friends in which you play a role? Seek to make peace. Own your part of the problem and confess that to God and apologize to your family or friend. Then seek to rebuild the relationship, regardless of whether or not the other person apologizes.
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