SUMMARY: Abraham pleads
OVERVIEW: The Lord promises a son in the next year to Abraham and Sarah. Then Abraham begs God for mercy on Sodom, and God promises to spare Sodom if they find ten righteous people in Sodom.
BIG IDEA: God is a God of judgment and love, and he will spare those who seek him.
KEY VERSE: Genesis 18:14 (The Lord’s question to Abraham)
Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.
My love for each human life is incomparable. I long for each person to surrender their lives to me. I’m eager to show my love and offer forgiveness, hope, encouragement, and more. Don’t think anyone is too far gone, that they missed a chance to receive my love. As long as there is breath in their lungs, I offer them life. Who are the ones in your life you want to begin a relationship with me? Know that I am with them, wooing them to me. But I want you to cry out on their behalf as well. Pray for their response, but invest in their lives as well. Spend time with them. Ask them questions. Laugh with them. Be a friend to them.
I want to partner with you in seeing lives change. I desire that everyone comes to faith. Pray towards that end and be part of their faith story. Love them regardless of whether or not they believe, but be available to them whenever they are ready.
Pray for those who need God in their lives. Identify 2-3 people you can pray for regularly. Invite them to church or look for and pray for opportunities to spend time with them or serve them.
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