SUMMARY: Limited understanding
OVERVIEW: Sarai becomes jealous of Hagar and sends her away.
BIG IDEA: Don’t punish others for your poor decisions.
KEY VERSE: Genesis 16:2 (Sarai to Abram)
So Sarai said to Abram, “The Lord has prevented me from having children. Go and sleep with my servant. Perhaps I can have children through her.” And Abram agreed with Sarai’s proposal.
A life of faith can be difficult. You won’t always see what you want to see. But you can always look to me. I am aware of your circumstances, your desires, and your fear, and I am trustworthy. I’ve been running the universe for a long time, much longer than the combined wisdom of you, your friends, and all those who claim to have answers. Trust me.
A life of faith won’t be as agonizing if you keep your faith in the right object. When you trust your wisdom or plan or strategy and then use me as a back-up—an insurance policy—everything falls on you. You may display hard work and determination, but it’s not faith in me. I’d love to know what prevents you from fully surrendering to me. Do you have reason to doubt me or my love? If you do, is it warranted, or are you only seeing things through your limited perspective? Walk with me and follow my ways. I am trustworthy.
What’s something you’ve prayed about for a long time but have not gotten the answer you desire? Continue to pray, but thank God for not answering in your way thus far. Acknowledge the difficulty in doing so, but tell God you trust him and thank him for his goodness.