SUMMARY: Opposition
OVERVIEW: As Israel builds the second temple, its enemies attempt to stop them through scare tactics and legislation.
BIG IDEA: Expect opposition and remain focused on God.
KEY VERSE: Ezra 4:24 (work pauses)
So the work on the Temple of God in Jerusalem had stopped, and it remained at a standstill until the second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia.
Do not be surprised by those who try to distract or discourage you from doing good. When rivals oppose you, they or someone they work for does not want to submit to me or surrender their will to me. Yet, I am the Lord. I am God. I am King. In the future, every knee will bow and tongue confess that I am the Lord, but until then, you are living in a corrupt, sin-filled world.
But do not worry, for I have overcome the world. Let me fight your battles. Remain faithful to me and the task I’ve called you to, and I will work in the hearts and minds of humanity to achieve my will. The timing may not be what you desire, but honor me by your hard work and how you interact with those who oppose you. Perhaps this moment in time (or future opposition) will be the vehicle that draws those far from me to begin or renew a relationship with me.
Expect antagonism when you live for God. Choose today to remain faithful, regardless of any opposition.