Ezekiel 41

Ezekiel 41:1-26

SUMMARYMore measurements

OVERVIEWEzekiel gets more details on the future temple.

BIG IDEADetails matters.

KEY VERSEEzekiel 41:4 (man to Ezekiel)
And he measured the length of the inner sanctuary; it was twenty cubits, and its width was twenty cubits across the end of the main hall. He said to me, “This is the Most Holy Place.”

I have plans for your life. I have more than some ideas. I’ve got a vision and a strategy to get you there. I want you to be part of my master plan in building my kingdom. You will do this for eternity with me, but I want you to begin today. Don’t limit your impact by ignoring my will and pursuing your own goals. Seek me first and foremost. I want to bless you and encourage you. Following me will bring you joy, hope, and purpose.

Don’t be like those that hear from me and take off running, without waiting for further instructions. I’m not going to share my will and then let you figure out how to accomplish it. I will guide you, but I want you to be ready and willing to listen. I want to give you an eternal perspective so that you learn to see people and tasks through the lens of disciple making and kingdom building.

What has God placed on your heart to accomplish in your life? This year? Today? If you have clarity, pray for courage to follow God as he leads. Take your next step of faith towards one or more of those goals today. If you do not have clarity, pause to pray and ask God to reveal those things to you. Don’t worry if you do not gain immediate insight. But keep listening over the next several days.

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