SUMMARY: Measurements
OVERVIEW: Ezekiel gets the measurements of a new temple. The old temple was destroyed but God cast vision for a new one.
BIG IDEA: God is always at work in the world. His plans never fail.
KEY VERSE: Ezekiel 40:4 (man to Ezekiel)
The man said to me, “Son of man, look carefully and listen closely and pay attention to everything I am going to show you, for that is why you have been brought here. Tell the people of Israel everything you see.”
I am aware of everything in your life. I know the ins, the outs, the nooks, and the crannies. Focus on me, and don’t let the details of your day distract you. Don’t let your service exceed your worship. There will always be more to do. You can live a frantic life where you are always on the run. Or you can learn to rest in me, knowing I oversee all, and that I can make all things new.
I have plans for new creations by you. I have opportunities for you to share hope with others. I have a bright future for you and those around you. Don’t mistake any of this to mean life will be easy and without pain or suffering. Your world includes hard things. But keep persevering. Things will be different in the future. But until then, I promise to be with you and provide all that you need at just the right time. Follow me and experience a full life.
Write out the dreams or visions God has placed on your heart. Present them to God as an offering, trusting them to him. If nothing comes to mind, write “I am yours, God” on the page and present yourself as an offering.
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