SUMMARY: No support
OVERVIEW: Ezekiel shares God’s judgment against Egypt. Israel was foolish to look to them for help when God was available, but Egypt was proud and never offered any kind of support.
BIG IDEA: Turn to God for protection and support, for he is strong and faithful.
KEY VERSE: Ezekiel 29:7 (God to Egypt)
When they grasped you with their hands, you splintered and you tore open their shoulders; when they leaned on you, you broke and their backs were wrenched.
Don’t be proud or arrogant. Don’t think so highly of yourself that you believe serving others is beneath you. You will not be able to meet every need or help every person. Others may pressure you to do so, but I am not asking you to do that. Follow me, not the ever changing whims of the world. I am the Savior of the word, so I don’t need you to be or even try.
But I have called and equipped you to serve, so keep your eyes open and your heart soft. I will lead you towards the things I want you to do and I will give you the freedom to say “no” to others’ requests. But be gracious in all things. Have a giving spirit and cast vision for others to get involved. You are part of a body designed to serve the world. I want everyone to do their part, but don’t be critical of others. Focus on what I am calling you to do and on being the person I am molding you to be.
Is there anyone in your life who could use your help? Is there a work party you can put together to help a family or individual who needs some extra hands? If no one immediately comes to mind, ask God to give you eyes to see practical ways you can help someone today.
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