Ezekiel 24

Ezekiel 24:1-27

SUMMARYCooking pot

OVERVIEWGod prepares the people for Jerusalem’s siege and ultimate fall with two illustrations. In the parable of the pot, God reveals Jerusalem’s wickedness and pending judgment. Ezekiel fills the pot with choice cuts of meat and then randomly throws each piece to the street. Later, God tells Ezekiel his wife will die, and he is not to show any sorrow at her death.

BIG IDEAGod will judge and purify his people.

KEY VERSEEzekiel 24:11 (God to Ezekiel)
Now set the empty pot on the coals. Heat it red hot! Burn away the filth and corruption.

I will not look past your sin as if it does not matter or is too small to be significant. I want your understanding of my love and holiness to reveal the presence of sin in your life. Be overwhelmed and repulsed by it so that you quickly confess it. But then—just as fast—receive my forgiveness and rest in my presence. Our relationship will always be secure.

But don’t let down your guard. I will purify the areas of your life that need cleansing. I will judge and discipline you for any areas of neglect. I will teach you to seek me and to reject temptation, whetting your appetite for more and more of me. When I consume you, you will not hunger for anything impure or unhealthy. I want to be the meal you feast upon. I want to be the one who brings you health, wholeness, and satisfaction.

Don’t ignore your sin. Mourn over it. Confess it. And then seek God’s correction, redirection, and forgiveness.