SUMMARY: God’s sword
OVERVIEW: God used Babylon to bring judgment on Israel and Ammon. Babylon obeyed God, a humbling lesson for Israel.
BIG IDEA: God’s judgment is coming regardless of whether or not we are ready.
KEY VERSE: Ezekiel 21:27 (God to Israel)
Destruction! Destruction! I will surely destroy the kingdom. And it will not be restored until the one appears who has the right to judge it. Then I will hand it over to him.
From the beginning, I have wanted to be in a relationship with you and all of humanity. I created you to worship and to love. I designed you to value and thrive in relationships. But throughout history, my creation has turned its back to me, confident it had found a better way to live and determined to achieve success on its own. And time after time, when they have experienced humility, they come back, seeking my forgiveness and restoration. I will always welcome any who return to me.
But don’t be like those who believe I am not needed. I am your very life. I breathe life into you and mold and shape you for good. When you or others go your way, you are vulnerable to be judged. Judgment is coming on those who believe in me and on those who don’t. Don’t get caught on the outside looking in. Come back to me today and allow me to bring healing to your heart, mind, body, and soul. I want to be in a relationship with you. Seek me today.
Is there any way you have been hesitant to obey God? Pray for God’s Spirit to give you courage and take the necessary step of faith today.