Ezekiel 13

Ezekiel 13:1-23


OVERVIEWGod condemns those who preach false visions.

BIG IDEAFalse prophets see nothing.

KEY VERSEEzekiel 13:3 (God to Ezekiel)
This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “What sorrow awaits the false prophets who are following their own imaginations and have seen nothing at all!”

I am the way, the truth, and the life. If you want an abundant life, come to me. If you want the truth, seek me. And if you need direction in life, follow me. There are many false prophets in the world. You see them on the street, hear them on TV, and read them on social media. It’s easy to post or proclaim what people want to hear. But when they purposefully deceive people and claim my authority in doing so, I will judge them and reveal their lies.

Watch what you say and how you declare the truth. My word is truth, and I want you to share it with others. But never use my truth as a weapon. It is a gift, and it is hope. Proclaim it with love. It is also a warning, so don’t be afraid to hold back, but speak with love in your heart and point people to me. Don’t speak with an air of superiority, wanting others to think more highly of you.

Be careful who you listen to, and verify their teaching with the Bible. And when you teach, let the Bible be your guide.