SUMMARY: Going…going…
OVERVIEW: The glory of the Lord departs from the Temple. God longed to bless Israel, but their continued disobedience revealed their disinterest.
BIG IDEA: God will not share his glory with anyone.
KEY VERSE: Ezekiel 10:18 (Ezekiel’s vision)
Then the glory of the Lord moved out from the entrance of the Temple and hovered above the cherubim.
I am with you always, to the very end of the age. But when you choose a lifestyle of rebellion and are more committed to serving yourself and feeding your flesh than you are to caring for your soul, my presence means nothing to you. Because I am committed to you, you can return to me in a moment. But when you live as though I am not worth your time, thoughts, or effort, I have no reason to believe you would have any interest.
Following the desires of your flesh will satisfy you but only for a short while. Even if your season of sin lasts several years, that is nothing compared to eternity. Use your time on earth to invest in my kingdom. Learn the discipline of saying “no” to yourself and “yes” to me. It will be challenging and a new muscle to exercise, but you will find more satisfaction and fulfillment than you could imagine.
Say “yes” to God today and seek his direction for your life. Take time to review this chapter or your notes from another chapter at least twice today. Delay eating or watching TV (or some other pleasure) to review instead. Sit quietly and invite God to lead you.