SUMMARY: Moses doubts
OVERVIEW: Moses casts doubt on God’s command to go to Egypt, yet God responds to each of Moses’ doubts. Moses reluctantly returns with his family, and his brother Aaron speaks on his behalf.
BIG IDEA: When we are weak, God is strong.
KEY VERSE: Exodus 4:11–12 (God to Moses)
Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.”
You have a choice: put your faith in yourself or me. I encourage you to trust me, the one who knows you, designed you, and loves you. Trust me, the one who knows all, is everywhere, and will never leave you. Trust me, the one who has your best interest in mind and invites you to live a life of purpose.
Or trust yourself. Your fears vary based on your mood, circumstance, or setting. Your emotions fluctuate based on the results of a baseball game, what’s available on Netflix, or current traffic patterns. Your experience is limited to what you have done, heard, or seen.
I do not change, but your fears and emotions do. I am reliable, and I will provide, despite your current perspective. Your experiences are limited. You have a choice on whom or what you will depend. Trust me and see what’s possible. I don’t guarantee success as the world defines it, but my plans are more significant than temporary satisfaction. Walk with me and experience the impossible.
Talk to God about your doubts. Share each one with him. Then listen to what God has to say. Be still and let him speak. Review today’s key verse to remind you of his call and power on your life.