SUMMARY: Teach me
OVERVIEW: Moses was hungry to know God and learn from him. He recognizes his task was far beyond his ability and was desperate for God’s help.
BIG IDEA: Seek God at all times—not just when you’re in trouble.
KEY VERSE: Exodus 33:13a (Moses’ prayer)
If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor.
Ask me, seek me, hunger for me, and follow me. When you seek me wholeheartedly, you can be confident I will provide. No one else can supply the help you need in a way that is healthy, productive, and timely. Others can help, but their efforts come with a price. In all fairness, following me is costly. I want your life. I want your whole person. It is a huge sacrifice, but you will receive so much more than you give. Surrender to me, and I will give you back a life beyond your dreams.
I invite you to seek me whenever you want. But don’t limit your request to times when you sin or are in trouble. I invite you to seek me all the time, not just when it’s convenient. When you follow me, not only does my presence go with you, but I will give you rest. It’s a deep, fulfilling rest, one that calms your heart and soothes your soul.
Skip one or two meals today—or fast all day. Unless you have meal plans with family or friends, spend your meal times reading your Bible and praying, listening for God. Let your hunger pangs remind you to have a similar appetite for God.