SUMMARY: God’s love
OVERVIEW: God didn’t create the world and then forget about it. He stayed involved, showing his love for everyone and everything.
BIG IDEA: God cares about the details in each person’s life and their relationships with others.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 18:2 (David’s song)
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.
I recognize people will try to take advantage of one another. It’s the human condition, but I will ultimately transform it. I’m empowering you to resist that temptation. Do not try to get the upper hand through inappropriate methods. Honor and respect others, even if you do not get what you want. I will provide what you need, so don’t try to get ahead through your efforts. And if you are hurt, do not seek revenge or justice. That is my responsibility.
Instead, I want you to forgive those seeking to harm you. Your loving response will shock those attempting to hurt you. Pray that their surprise leads to humbling themselves and that they will seek me for direction in life. My way of living is healthy and life-giving. I will bring renewal and justice to the world. But until then, I am aware of all things, and I will protect and provide and bring judgment as needed.
Love your neighbor as yourself. What gift can you provide, or what can you do this week to help or encourage a neighbor, co-worker, or fellow student?
BONUS Music Video