SUMMARY: Israel commits
OVERVIEW: God reminds Israel how he had provided for them thus far, and, in exchange for their faithfulness and obedience, he would make them his treasured possession and his special people. He instructs Moses how the people can prepare for his arrival.
BIG IDEA: There is blessing in obedience.
KEY VERSE: Exodus 19:5–6 (God to Israel through Moses)
“Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the peoples on earth; for all the earth belongs to me. And you will be my kingdom of priests, my holy nation.” This is the message you must give to the people of Israel.
The whole earth is mine. Everything you see and everything you could dream or imagine belongs to me. I am creator and owner, yet I want you to have responsibility for the growth and development of all I’ve made. I’ve identified you, my child, as one with gifts to equip and minister to my people and care for my creation. You can do it. You may not have all the skills and abilities you think are required, but you will develop them over time.
I have exciting plans for you, plans that will bless you and allow you to be a blessing to many. I know you will receive other offers, as well. Those offers may appear more attractive, but they’re not. My offer is eternal and guaranteed when you choose to surrender your life and follow me. Don’t be deceived by temporary satisfaction. Pursue the eternal. Faithfully walk with me and tend to my creation.
Identify a person, animal, or project you can take time to invest in this week. See how you can provide some immediate care and explore ways to ensure ongoing care.