Exodus 14


Exodus 14:1-31

SUMMARYStand firm

OVERVIEWGod delivers the Israelites from the Egyptian army using three miracles. God displays his glory through Israel’s delivery.

BIG IDEAGod has a plan.

KEY VERSEExodus 14:13 (Moses to the people)
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.

Do not fear. I am a God who can. I can do all things, so amid any fear, doubt, or trial, trust me. Be still and know that I am God. Stand firm in the knowledge that I have a plan. I want you to be confident in adversity. Challenges may surround you, but I have not forgotten you. I may not do all you want, but I can and will provide all you need.

Stand firm, and you will see me bring delivery. I will fight for you, and I will advocate for you. I will defend and protect you. Your job is to be still. But stillness can take more faith than activity. Sometimes you need the courage to take a step of faith. But I’m asking you to be courageous by do nothing. I want you to be still. I want you to hear from me. I want you to look to me. I want you to trust me.

Stand firm and be still. Pick two or three times today that you can take one minute (or more if possible) and sit quietly before God. Close your eyes and invite God to speak to you. Listen.


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