OVERVIEW: Paul instructed the church to live lives of love, controlled by God’s Spirit, instead of selfish lives, controlled by the flesh.
BIG IDEA: Be careful how you live, and be filled with the Spirit.
KEY VERSE: Ephesians 5:18 (Paul’s instruction for living for Jesus)
Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.
I want you to walk in the way of love. That’s not some pithy slogan or meaningless phrase but, instead, it is the way Christ taught you to live. He gave up his life for you to be able to do this. You can do it! But don’t try to do it in your strength. You’ve done that before, and it’s tiring and overwhelming. It’s too much of a burden. Let me help you instead. Call on me. Ask me to fill you with my Spirit. I want to be your power source for the big things and small.
Learn to submit to one another out of respect for Christ. You may not always want to love or serve those in your life, but do it to bring me honor. I will help you if you invite me. I will give you the strength, and, in time, you will find the desire. The days are short and prone to evil. Overcome them and live wise lives, making the most of every opportunity. Seek me and live rather than ignoring me and choosing destruction.
Take time to be intentional in how you live. Choose an hour today where before saying or doing anything, you first pray to be filled with God’s Spirit. Learn the discipline of talking to God, waiting on God, and then obeying God.