Ecclesiastes 4

Ecclesiastes 4:1-16


OVERVIEW: Life has ups and downs. We can’t change that, but we can respond more healthily and strongly if we team with a friend.

BIG IDEA: Experience life with teammates.

KEY VERSEEcclesiastes 4:9
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor…

I am with you, and I am all you need. But for you to understand and appreciate that, you need some friends by your side. Without your friends, you are prone to forget to focus on me. Without your friends, temptations and distractions can easily lead you astray. Without your friends, you may push me aside and give in to temptation. I am all you need, but you need friends to remind you.

Two can accomplish more together. When you stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder, you are powerful and able to withstand challenges. Invest in your friendships. Just as our relationship is richer and more profound when we spend time together, the same is true with your friends. You can’t expect friends to support you if you are not engaged in their lives. Be the type of friend you want. Don’t just reach out when you have a need. Spend time together. Do life together. Laugh, play, eat, pray, and serve together.

Don’t go it alone. Invest in your friendships. Thank God for the friends in your life, and let them know you appreciate them. Be the type of friend to others that you want in your life.