SUMMARY: Stiff-necked
OVERVIEW: Moses issues yet another reminder to Israel that they have been blessed because of God’s goodness, and that they are to continue to seek and obey him.
BIG IDEA: The Lord your God goes ahead of you.
KEY VERSE: Deuteronomy 9:6 (Moses to Israel)
You must recognize that the Lord your God is not giving you this good land because you are good, for you are not—you are a stubborn people.
Don’t be stubborn. I am a loving father who guides and provides. My instructions are trustworthy. Don’t resist me, and don’t ignore what I ask you to do. I’m leading you to love me and others. Stop fighting me. Submit to me and trust me.
Likewise, don’t puff out your chest so arrogantly. I love to provide for you, and it gives me joy to bless you. But don’t take my credit. Not only is it deceptive, but it’s dangerous. The more you think you are accomplishing, the less you feel you need me. And that’s a dangerous place to be. That’s what I’m protecting you from—your primary enemy—yourself! You are gifted, you are loved, and you have a vision and a purpose. But all of those are my gifts to you. I don’t say that to make you insignificant. I say that so you can walk with confidence and freedom, knowing I am with you. I say that to encourage you to help others realize I want to do the same for them.
Take time to thank God for his faithfulness and for all he has provided. It’s easy to forget or to overlook his blessings. Set aside a few minutes and share your gratitude with God.