Deuteronomy 34

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

SUMMARYMoses dies

OVERVIEWMoses left a strong legacy. He lived as a visionary and died as one, too.

BIG IDEAFinish the race well.

KEY VERSEDeuteronomy 34:12 (a description of Moses’ life)
With mighty power, Moses performed terrifying acts in the sight of all Israel.

You determine your legacy. You can live a life people want to emulate or one where they’re thankful you’re gone. One breathes life and one breeds death. You choose the direction. Choose life! Put away your selfish desires and put down your resolve to be right. Stop fighting and start living. Invest in eternity by living and loving with purpose today.

I want you to hear me say “well done good and faithful servant” when you enter eternity. I want to celebrate your life as one well-lived. But I also want those you leave behind to acknowledge your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I want them to recognize and express thankfulness for your life. I want them to tell stories of life change you both lived and helped others experience. Live today for me and you will establish a legacy of faith, hope, and love for generations.

Your choices today can profoundly impact how you are remembered. Take time to pray for and discuss with those you trust any important decisions you need to make today or in the near future. Be willing to admit when you’ve made a wrong decision and correct it as you are able.


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