Deuteronomy 29

Deuteronomy 29:1-29

SUMMARYLet’s review

OVERVIEWMoses reviews the terms of God’s covenant and reminds them that they’ve seen God do great things and provide for them in miraculous ways.

BIG IDEAPray for eyes to see and ears to hear all God is doing in and around you.

KEY VERSEDeuteronomy 29:5–6 (Moses to Israel)
For forty years I led you through the wilderness, yet your clothes and sandals did not wear out. You ate no bread and drank no wine or other alcoholic drink, but he provided for you food so you would know that he is the Lord your God.

You know the ways I have provided for you. Remember them. Talk about them. Thank me for them. I’ve provided in miraculous ways and most of those you are not even aware of. I hope my provision and faithfulness encourage and remind you that I will always be with you. I am reliable. You can count on me, and I want to be able to say the same about you. I want the confidence that you will stay on my path, that you will not turn to the right or left.

When you do walk with and follow me, I can bless you and supply all your needs. I want to that. But beware of selfishness and pride. It can act like a bitter poison that can stifle your faith, leading you to believe you can live independently and provide yourself. Resist that temptation. Stay humble, stay surrendered, and follow me.

Confess any secret sin you’ve been hiding, or address any unresolved bitterness. Thank God for his provision and faithfulness.