Deuteronomy 19

Deuteronomy 19:1-21

SUMMARYThorough investigation

OVERVIEWGod instructs Israel to create three cities of refuge for those falsely accused and requires at least two witnesses to a crime. He does not want people falsely accused or mistreated.

BIG IDEAGod values life.

KEY VERSEMatthew 18:16 (Jesus to his disciples)
But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses.

I want you to know me and my way so well that your first impulse is to show love by seeking me, hearing from me, and serving others. Do not act impulsively. Take time to gather information. Review with others and pray for clarity. You have been set free from the penalty of your sin. Remember that as you respond to sin in the lives of others. Sometimes grace and mercy is the wise response.

Still, there will be times individuals in relationships will need discipline, but do this as a community. Prayerfully seek me in the presence of others so that you can make wise decisions as my Spirit leads. Your love for me should express itself in how you interact with others. Your discipline should be for restoration. I want all to know I will punish sin, but there is always a chance to turn back to me. Be a community that provides hope and encouragement for all.

Are you angry or frustrated with someone? Pray and seek counsel from others before acting impulsively. Address the issue but do so out of love and with a desire to build a relationship, not tear one down.


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