SUMMARY: Regular reminders
OVERVIEW: Moses reviews three of the seven holidays on the Jewish calendar: Passover (Festival of Unleavened Bread), Pentecost (Festival of Weeks), and Tabernacles (Festival of Booths).
BIG IDEA: Just as God has provided in the past, he will provide in the future.
KEY VERSE: Deuteronomy 16:17 (Moses to Israel on proportionate giving)
All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the Lord your God.
Set aside times to remember, reflect, and celebrate. Don’t forget what I’ve done. Don’t forget who I am. Don’t forget who you were. The world and its swirl of activity will not remind you to slow down to remember and celebrate me, so mark dates on the calendar to do so.
Gather with family and friends to talk about all I’ve done throughout history. Remind one another of biblical stories where I provided for my people. Share truths about me, and talk about my character. Tell about times you’ve experienced my love, faithfulness, or power. Share your story, too. You have changed. I know you often wish you had made different choices in the past or no longer struggle today, but don’t lose sight of the changes that have taken place. Celebrate what I’ve done in you and in the lives of those you love. And encourage one another that I’m still at work. I’m not done with you, so get ready for what I want to do next.
Know when and why the biblical holidays take place so that you can remember God’s goodness and remind others. Check Google to learn when the next holiday is. Invite friends over for dinner and talk about God’s faithfulness.