Daniel 8

Daniel 8. Worn out

Daniel 8:1-27


OVERVIEWDaniel is in Babylon. He has another vision, and the weight of it exhausts and horrifies him.

BIG IDEAGod is in control today and always.

KEY VERSEDaniel 8:27 (Daniel’s analysis)
I, Daniel, was worn out. I lay exhausted for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business. I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.

I have much to show you and strategic work for you. But I must warn you: it is not always pleasant and uplifting. There will be times I encourage you and fill you with hope. Those are days I know you or others will need motivation. Receive it, enjoy it, and celebrate who I am and what I am doing. But there will be other days when I either allow you to experience hardship or lead you into difficult areas. You may feel lost and alone, but remember what is true. I will never leave you or forsake you. I will always provide what you need.

Stay spiritually fit. Just as you are doing now, continue to meet with me. But don’t forget about our time together in an hour or more. Take times to stop and reconnect with me throughout the day. Seek me and see what I am doing in and around you. There will be times my work is overwhelming, but I will give you strength. Seek me and stay sharp so you are always prepared.

Continue to prioritize reading the Bible and staying engaged with God throughout your day a priority. You are laying a good foundation for your day and life when you do. Keep it up!