Daniel 6

Daniel 6. Lion taming

Daniel 6:1-28

SUMMARYLion taming

OVERVIEWDaniel’s faithful, trustworthy life threatened his enemies, so they creatively found a way to throw him into the lion’s den. Still, God spared his life.

BIG IDEAGod rescues and saves—even taming hungry lions.

KEY VERSEDaniel 6:22 (Daniel to King Darius)
My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.

Follow me, and I will provide everything you need. I am forming your mind so that you think correctly and about the right things. I am shaping your heart so that you respond in honorable ways. I am strengthening your hands so that you help and support those in need. Do not fear those who attempt to stifle your growth or dissuade you from following me. I am the only voice you need to hear. Open your ears and listen. I am the only guide you need to follow. Open your eyes and seek me.

I rescue and save. I perform signs and wonders. No one will ever destroy my kingdom, and I will endure forever. You cannot get a better resume than that. Stop comparing me to other offers. If you are conflicted about whether or not to follow me, something more profound is happening in your heart and mind. Talk to me about it. Confess anything you fear or are ashamed of. I will be your source of strength. I will help you today and every day. I am here, and I love you—today and always.

Fear God more than humans. Is there something you need to stop…or something you need to start? Do the right thing, regardless of the consequences.