Daniel 12

Daniel 12. Shining star

Daniel 12:1-13

SUMMARYShining star

OVERVIEWDaniel gets a preview of the end times and is encouraged to persevere, for God has good plans for him.

BIG IDEAGod is in control. Nothing can prevent him from accomplishing his purposes.

KEY VERSEDaniel 12:3 (God to Daniel)
Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.

A final judgment is coming, a day when all will get what they always wanted. I will raise to eternal life those who sought me and trusted in me and my ways. They will shine like stars forever. And those who did not want anything to do with me will spend eternity separated from me. I do not want that for anyone. As long as you have a chance, pray for those who do not know me. Pray that my Spirit would draw them to me. Remind them of my love and invite them to follow me.

Pay attention to what I am doing in and around you. I am always at work in the world. I consistently call out to those who know me and those who don’t. Look for and listen to my activity. Follow me. There will times you may be confused, but do not worry. Lean into me and seek me and, ultimately, rest in my love and presence. I am always with you, and I want others to know I am there for them, too.

Put your faith in action today, and trust in God’s plan. He may be leading you to invite someone to follow Jesus, grow in holiness or obedience to him, or be patient and rest in the Lord. Sit still before God for 3-5 minutes and listen. Rest in his presence.