Daniel 11

Daniel 11. uprising

Daniel 11:1-45


OVERVIEWGod reveals Israel’s future to be a time of battles and conquests, yet he will remain faithful to his people.

BIG IDEAGod is in control during the chaos and through the calm.

KEY VERSEDaniel 11:33 (Daniel’s prophecy)
Wise leaders will give instruction to many, but these teachers will die by fire and sword, or they will be jailed and robbed.

Your future will include wars and rumors of wars. Prepare for pain, discomfort, and distress. But I will fill your eternal destiny with peace, calm, rejoicing, and victory. Acknowledge the challenges before you, but don’t be overwhelmed by them. If you are anxious, remember that I am with you and am over all things. Nothing happens outside of my will. Nothing surprises me or catches me off guard.

Is the world news frightening? Turn it off. You don’t have to put your head in the sand, but don’t let it consume or control you. Focus upon me, instead, for I can bring peace and resolution. The world searches for answers, but they only need to turn to me for satisfaction. Be a voice of hope to others, and trust me today. Be a disciple-maker. Share your faith and teach others to obey my commands. Do so in a way that equips them to repeat the process with others.

Take time today to thank God for his faithfulness. Think of ways he has provided for you in the past and praise him for it. Share a story of God’s provision with someone who needs encouragement. (That someone might be you.)