Daniel 10

Daniel 10. Healing touch

Daniel 10:1-21

SUMMARYHealing touch

OVERVIEWDaniel is overwhelmed by God’s vision, but an angel’s touch steadies, empowers, and strengthens him.

BIG IDEAThe presence of God brings healing and hope.

KEY VERSEDaniel 10:19 (Angel to Daniel)
“Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, “Please speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.”

I have much to say to you and much to show you. I will reveal it through my word, through creation, through circumstances, through other people, and my Spirit. Do not be frightened or intimidated by what you see or hear. There will be times I am preparing you for something to come, and other times I will be nudging you to step out in faith. But at all times, I will be with you. You will never be alone or forgotten.

Do not worry about misreading or mishearing me. I will confirm all that I reveal to you through my word and biblical stories. If it is not consistent, then disregard it. When I communicate with you, it will be clear. Not only will you find its place in my story, but other Jesus followers will be able to affirm it. Don’t keep your concerns to yourself. Talk to me and talk to others to seek clarification.

When you feel anxious or overwhelmed about something in God’s word or through a prompting you receive from God’s Spirit, stop and pray. Ask God for clarity and discuss with others who are trusted, followers of Jesus.