SUMMARY: Rich cows
OVERVIEW: God condemns the wealthy women for self-indulgence at the expense of the poor and powerless. Time and time again, God tried to get Israel’s attention, but she would not return to God.
BIG IDEA: Return to God.
KEY VERSE: Amos 4:13 (Amos to Israel)
For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his thoughts to mankind. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads on the heights of the earth. The Lord God of Heaven’s Armies is his name!
Don’t run from me. I love you, and I am here to help you. Don’t look down on others, thinking you are more important than you are. Don’t look away from those who need help. I am a God who is for you and will do anything necessary to draw you to me. I focus on what you can do and who you can become, but if you remain self-consumed and arrogant, I will allow you to feel pain. I will let you go without things you both want and need.
Let your worship be authentic. Don’t pretend to love me. Don’t serve or contribute to an offering so that others see you. Instead, humble yourself before me. Allow me to change your heart. Allow me to provide what you need. Stop running from me. Return to me, and I will receive you. Return to me, and be refreshed and renewed. Return to me and rest.
Pray and ask God to give you eyes to see how you can serve others. Ask God to provide you with a heart for caring for others so that you don’t ignore those in need.