Amos 2

Amos 2. Believers judged

Amos 2:1-16

SUMMARYBelievers judged

OVERVIEWIsrael and Judah are guilty of crimes against others and for not obeying God’s laws.

BIG IDEATreating others with disrespect offends God.

KEY VERSEAmos 2:7 (God to Amos)
They trample helpless people in the dust and shove the oppressed out of the way. Both father and son sleep with the same woman, corrupting my holy name.

Sin is a serious offense for those who don’t believe in Jesus and—equally—for those who do believe. When you don’t believe in Jesus, you choose to confront your eternal destiny on your own. But when you believe in Jesus yet choose to ignore my instructions and live your way, you think your thoughts, logic, and decisions are wiser than my own. That’s not a smart way to live.

You may be acting in ignorance. If so, call out to me. Invite me to search you to reveal any rebellious actions or attitudes. But if you know what you are doing and merely choosing to rebel, stop it. You’ve already taken it far enough. Confess your sin and seek my forgiveness. When you do, I will make you whole and healthy. I will help you take the next steps to build our relationship and strengthen your faith.

You will be held more accountable as a believer in Jesus. Take God’s word seriously and obey it. Ask God to search your heart and to reveal any sins you need to confess or actions you need to take.