Acts 8

Acts 8. bright lights

Acts 8:1-40

SUMMARYBright lights

OVERVIEWThe pursuit of power captivated Simon the sorcerer. When he saw what the Apostles accomplished, he wanted to buy their “secret” to use for his benefit.

BIG IDEASeek a deep relationship with God, not merely signs and wonders.

KEY VERSEActs 8:7–8 (Philip’s ministry)
Many evil spirits were cast out, screaming as they left their victims. And many who had been paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city.

Beneath the physical world that you can see, there is a spiritual battle taking place: good versus evil. I have authority over impure spirits, and I give that authority to you. I am in control, and I can end the destruction of the evil one. I will equip you with all you need for victory and freedom from darkness and death. I am more powerful than anything you face, and you have my power within you. 

I provide power and blessings and gifts and relationships for you to bring glory to me, not yourself. Do not fall in love with authority or position or provision. Fall in love with me. Seek me, not for what I can do for you, but for the joy of obeying me, following my lead, and knowing me. I want you to make an impact, like a powerful beam of brightness in a dark, turbulent night. But that won’t happen if you only think about yourself.

Are you substituting the Holy Spirit with something else in your life? It’s tempting to rely on inspiring teaching or powerful music or exciting church culture to sustain you on your spiritual journey. Those things are blessings and tools God has provided, but only the Holy Spirit can give you the power, perspective, and perseverance you need to thrive as you follow Jesus faithfully. Take time to be still, to confess sin, to repent, to be thankful, to praise God, and to enjoy his presence.