Acts 6

Acts 6. Godly servants

Acts 6:1-15

SUMMARYGodly servants

OVERVIEWSeven men are selected to oversee vital local ministry needs, and Stephen is arrested and falsely-accused for performing miracles and signs among the people. 

BIG IDEAEvery task is an opportunity to serve God and expand his kingdom.

KEY VERSEActs 6:3–4 (The disciples to the group)
And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.

I have placed you to serve right where you are–in your very community, family, and church. I have given you gifts and abilities and connections to meet the right needs at the precise time. Do your best to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and look for the best place to be useful in the body. Serve with humility and love, putting others first. If you are angry or frustrated or wandering from church to church, look inside your own heart, and see if your motives are to serve others or to be served by others. Have a passion for strengthening the church body, not for advancing your cause.

Every person has a gift and is needed to form the body and complete my work. Invite others to find their best place to serve. Encourage them to use their abilities and to serve joyfully. Every job has value and should be considered significant. No one is more important than another. Those with beautiful voices and performance skills are no more valuable than those who sweep floors or serve food. You are a servant. Serve joyfully and humbly.

Take time this week to learn more about yourself and those with whom you serve. Search online for a DISC Personality Test and/or the Enneagram and take it. (Usually less than fifteen minutes). Ask others that you work with to take it as well and make time to discuss and apply the results.