SUMMARY: Protection
OVERVIEW: Paul is a wanted man. Many are trying to kill him, yet God protects him.
BIG IDEA: You are never alone—never, ever alone.
KEY VERSE: Acts 23:11 (Jesus to Paul)
That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, “Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well.”
I will help you when you are under attack for your faith. I will help you when a conversation is uncomfortable. Just be ready to share what your life was like, how you came to know me, and how your life has changed. I will give you strength and clarity. Some will be ready to hear about me. Even those who are hostile now may take your words to heart at another time in their lives. When I present you with an opportunity, use it to reach someone. Trust that my Spirit is working.
You don’t have to save anyone; salvation is my job. You don’t even have to win the argument. Focus your life and your conversation on me. Share your story when you can, and let people react how they will. I am at work in the lives of the people you come into contact with. Let them see me working in your life. Trust that I am drawing people to myself.
Is someone you know taking fire for their faith? Maybe a pastor or a missionary or a friend? Send them a text or email today with encouragement and support.