Whether you’re a new, growing, or struggling believer, you’ve probably thought or asked one or more of the following questions about the Christian life:
- Why is it so difficult to live out my faith?
- What’s the big deal about making disciples? (And what is a disciple?)
- Why don’t I read my Bible more? (And why can’t I understand it when I do?)
- How can I grow in my faith–or make disciples–if I don’t have time?
These are good questions.
You have a heart that is open to God. You have a desire to take steps of faith. You want deeper, meaningful friendships you can count on. And, you want to know how to respond to questions about your faith.
But sometimes giving up feels like it might be the easiest—and most honest—thing to do, right?
Don’t give up. You’re not alone. I’ve been there, and others have, too. There is another way, and it starts with one commitment: don’t give up.
Too easy? Too cliché?
Maybe . . . except that it’s true. Following Jesus is a marathon, and we condition for it our entire life. Living as a disciplemaker might sound foreign or impossible, but it’s not as complicated or intimidating as you may think.
Let’s make disciples.
Come back for regular articles (or better yet, download the free eBook below and receive occasional emails) where we’ll discover how to make disciples who love and live like Jesus. That sounds promising, don’t you think?
We’ll discover
- the things a disciple of Jesus needs to know,
- the things a disciple of Jesus ought to do, and
- the way a disciple of Jesus ought to live.
It’s a journey—a marathon. Let’s get in shape for the race of our lives . . . and have fun doing it.
Who am I?
I’m a learner . . . in the trenches with you . . . but believing more each day that I am forgiven, loved, and called to make disciples.
On my journey I’ve had
- incredible ministry experiences (serving on staff at Saddleback Church, planting a church in Lower Manhattan, learning to make disciples on Long Island and in the Pacific Northwest, serving the church with Slingshot Group and Navigators Church Ministries),
- challenging life experiences (suffering for years from chronic pain and managing depression) and
- plenty of normal, everyday questions, doubts, frustrations and fears.
Through it all I’ve learned only three things last for eternity: God, God’s word, and the human soul. The more we can invest in those three things, the more we invest in eternity.
I am wildly in love with my wife Janine. We’ve been married 30+ years and have three amazing daughters who make us laugh and inspire us.
How might I help you take a next step?
Even if you’re not certain you’re ready, let’s talk.
Life with Jesus is an adventure, and adventures can be scary. But adventures can also be a lot of fun when you have a guide. Take the steps to grow as a disciple and disciplemaker at home, work or school, and wherever life leads.
Subscribe to my email list below to stay connected and get a free Ebook. Email me with any questions or comments. I’d love to hear from you.

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There is a difference between a Christian and a disciple. Evaluate the differences, learn how to grow as a disciple, and see why it matters.
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