OVERVIEW: Jesus heals many, commends a believer’s faith, reminds us of the cost in following him, and invites us to trust him.
BIG IDEA: Faith in Jesus overcomes fear.
KEY VERSE: Matthew 8:10 (Jesus teaching)
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.”
Knowing about me is not the same as knowing me. Many people are acquainted with me from religious teaching or books or movies, but few understand me in a personal way. Understanding me requires more than knowledge. Having a relationship with me involves faith.
Don’t spend all your time studying facts about me or immersing yourself in the culture of faith. Get to know me by living in faith. Trust me to hear your prayers. Trust me to bring healing in your life. Trust me to deal with the darkest secrets in your life. Trust me to give you peace and purpose in life.
If you want wholeness and hope and healing, follow me in faith. Salvation from eternal death is a gift for those who believe, but following me will be costly. The cost of devoting yourself to me will be an enormous investment, but you’ll discover it will be the best use of your life.
Think of one thing that you are having trouble believing God can do. Don’t try to figure things out; just ask God for faith in this area.