SUMMARY: Wisdom plus
OVERVIEW: God offers Solomon whatever he desires, and Solomon asks for wisdom so that he can lead well. God gives him wisdom plus much, much more.
BIG IDEA: Make God your priority today.
KEY VERSE: 1 Kings 3:9 (Solomon’s prayer)
Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?
Trust me to meet your needs. I will provide for you, and I want you to follow me. Give me more priority than your computer or phone, listen to me more than the gossip of the day, hunger for me more than for what your stomach craves, and focus on me more than those to whom you’re attracted. I may not always be the popular choice. Quite often, I will not be on anyone’s Top 10 list. But I am the one who will provide for you every time.
Gold and riches are not bad, nor are social media likes and retweets. Friends are fun, and parties can be memorable. These are not the enemy. They can be a blessing, but they can also be a distraction. When you seek me and give me your whole self, you will find riches and pleasures and satisfaction only I can provide. Enjoy my gifts, and allow me to provide what the world values. When I offer it, you will already have discovered true satisfaction in me. Enjoy all I provide.
If you have goals for life, take a day to evaluate them through God’s eyes. Are they God-given goals or only the desires of your heart? Just because you have something on your heart does not make it a bad thing. God may have played it there. But take time to pray and let God confirm your goals.
If you do not have any goals, ask God to give you some for the next three months. What is something he wants you to begin or complete?