Job 9

Job 9:1-35

SUMMARYNo chance

OVERVIEWJob recognizes he is powerless before God.

BIG IDEAWe need a mediator to stand before God.

KEY VERSEJob 9:20 (Job to Bildad)
Even if I were innocent, my mouth would condemn me; if I were blameless, it would pronounce me guilty.

You are correct—on your own, you could not stand innocently before me. No one is without blame. All choose their own path and turn from me and my way. Don’t try to prove your innocence. Many attempt this, but no one wins. Focus, instead, on pursuing and growing a relationship with me. I am the one who can make you blameless. Your best efforts will fall short, so stop striving and surrender to me.

Job longed for an intermediary between himself and me. You have one in my Son. Jesus not only presents you before me, but when you confess your sin and receive forgiveness through Jesus, you stand purified and welcomed into my family. I am your heavenly father, and you are my child, so cry out to me with confidence that I hear you, am with you and love you. You are powerless before me on your own. But you are my loved, adopted child through Christ.

Choose to worship God today, even if or when you feel like debating him. Your day may not go the way you desire, but God will not forget you. Thank God through song or prayer that he is with you. Ask him to help you trust him today.